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mini-minors educare         

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5a Hospital Walk - Top Town - Queenstown - South Africa


                                           +27 72 632 9815



New things to discover, new things to explore

Excitement, outings, special occasions

And much, much more!

New friends, new understandings, new activities too

All these are, but a few!


We look forward to our busy, exciting time ahead

Filled with countless learning experiences, fun, laughter, music and art

And of course, quite a few centimetres added to the growth chart!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

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On Tuesdays our girls have ballet (Tutu-Tuesday) and our boys balls skills (Games with Uncle Garth). We end off our busy weeks with Phys-Ed Friday for all our little minors.  These activities are part of our curriculum and included in the school fees.



Other extra-murals available are Playball ~ Monkeynastix ~ Swimnastix ~ Stimu-Zone.



 Singing, music and movement, as well as art activities, are covered several times a week, as is the introduction of basic musical instruments.


We, at mini-minors educare, are great believers in free and outdoor play.  The importance of play is vital for a child's healthy development.  Play promotes cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being, all the necessary conditions for thriving and learning.  

Through play a child can experiment, solve problems, think creatively, cooperate with others and gain not only a deeper knowledge of the world around him or her, but also about him or herself, ultimately building positive self-esteem and confidence.  









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5a Hospital Walk - Top Town - Queenstown


+27 72 632 9815

  • Facebook - White Circle
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                                                                           Founded 14th January 2014


mini-minors educare is an english/afrikaans medium Christian school, catering for little ones from 18 months - 5 years of age. 

Half day or full day options available, as per Eastern Cape school terms.



 We strive to harness the potential in each and every one of our little minors in a fun, loving and caring environment and follow a themed based curriculum, with many educational outings, as well as visitors to our school, to coincide with our weekly themes.



Our annual concert is held at the end of the 3rd term and our Grandparents' Day, towards the end of the 4th term.




Our mascot is Jerry Giraffe and he plays a huge role in the everyday lives of our little minors.











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